Podcast Ad Bootcamp: Mastering Creative

It’s tough out there, advertisers. In a world where being authentic is everything, you’re up against fake clicks, bots, and social algorithms. But there’s one place in particular where you can talk to actual humans while still sounding human: podcasts.

Despite being increasingly unreachable, podcast listeners are more receptive to the products promoted on their favorite podcasts - especially if they’re recommended by the host. That’s why host reads remain the most coveted ad unit of them all. 85% of the ad buyers who participated in our 2021 Podcast Ad Buyer Survey ranked host reads as 'important' or 'very important.'  

Even if your brand is completely new to audio advertising, we’ll break down the art of crafting GREAT podcast ads and share some real-life creative examples that really got the conversation started.

Context is Everything:

The podcast host-listener relationship is a sacred one. Listeners actively seek out the content they want to interact with, in an environment that’s extremely intimate. Crafting podcast-first ads means understanding why listeners are pressing play in the first place. 

A great tool for learning and a trusted source for information, the podcast environment is the perfect place to educate rather than sell. Leaning on what makes the content unique can also inform how your message is delivered. 

This not-for-profit took an unusual approach to raise awareness for a deadly disease, and a True Crime host took the creative and ran with it. Her show doesn’t dwell on the gory details but instead empowers listeners to stay informed and stay vigilant. 

By leaning into the tone of the show, the educational campaign fit seamlessly. Fans noticed too, as they took to social media to share their own experiences and to thank the host for bringing this cause to their attention.

Let the Host Take Lead:

The best podcast ads work because they fit seamlessly into the content. Podcast hosts are picky — they know their audience best. If they want you to sponsor their podcast, there’s a good chance they like your product and an even better chance that their listeners will love it.

Winning over the hearts (and hard-earned money) doesn’t happen overnight. Approach long-term campaigns not as an “ownership” opportunity, but as a chance to build a relationship with the audience and establish familiarity.

Take, for example, a men’s health vitamin that invested in an American history podcast. While the ads didn’t include the host’s personal experience with the product, the reads were authentic, engaging, and invited his niche audience of hard-core history buffs to take better care of themselves by using this product. 

End result? This podcast landed in the top 25 performers for the brand. The brand acknowledged that despite the (what some might consider) smaller audience, the results were impactful enough for a year-long renewal.

Host reads are powerful, so we want you to have all the building blocks that make a good ad GREAT:

  1. Be approachable. Podcasts are personal, so speak to the audience like they’re human. Avoid jargon and don’t talk down to them—make it easy for them to understand the product you’re selling, and why it would work for them. The general rule is to keep copy at a 3rd-grade reading level. 

  2. Have an action item. You want the audience to DO something after hearing your ad, right? Don’t forget your CTA! Identify the goal and work backward to win them over and lead them to your action. Promo code, URL, or just a plain old “check us out in these stores” works.

  3. Avoid hard and fast scripts. Effective podcast ads come from copy points that allow the talent to add their own spin on the copy. The more detail you provide about your product or service’s benefits, the better the talent can tailor the verbiage to their own style and to their audience.

  4. But if you only have a script... Sample scripts are good, as long as you don’t expect them to be followed to a ‘T.’ Scripts can be excellent thought starters for talent, but the draw of podcasts is the personal nature of the ads — allowing the talent to go “off script” makes the ad more authentic — like word-of-mouth advertising! It is important, however, to note anything that must be said (i.e., warnings, disclaimers) or anything that should be read verbatim.

  5. Provide samples or trials. Most talent like to be hands-on with what they are talking about, so we encourage samples or trials of services when possible. If personal experience is necessary, samples and/or trials are a prerequisite.

  6. Switch it up. No one likes ad fatigue — keep your messaging fresh. This is especially important for long-term campaigns. Provide new talking points, promote a new product, or highlight a special promo every month or so. 


Extra credit time! Host reads can work even harder for your campaign with DAI. Learn more about how it works and why we put a priority on DAI host reads in part one of our Podcast Ad Bootcamp series 

Our podcast portfolio - cabana - includes over 150 podcast titles with a focus on host-read, tech-driven ad campaigns. Get in touch to tap into our audio expertise and cabana’s premium ad inventory featuring influential voices.